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Gardens, Courtyards & Streetscapes

When F.Q. Story was platted, palm trees were planted in the parkway strip between the sidewalk and street. Time has taken a toll on this historic streetscape, but many homes still have two palms out front. For homes that have lost their palms, residents have filled the space with shade trees, flowers and even vegetable gardens.

Green lawns were the rule when the neighborhood started in 1922. Many homes retain this historic look but recent years have seen a turn toward more use of drought-tolerant plants, xeriscape and artificial rather than actual turf.

Regardless of the level of water use, Story landscapes include lots of color. In the spring, blooming palo verdes create golden passageways along streets and sidewalk. Bougainvillea arch gracefully over entry ways and pastel-colored hollyhocks tower in front yards. Desert blooms provide sparks of neon color.

On Lynwood Street, west of 15th Avenue, stand remnants of the area’s earlier character: Massive eucalyptus trees continue to thrive, even as the agricultural use of this land long ago turned to residences.

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